It is a potentially very important and sensitive written document that stands for Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment. Not all States permit a MOLST. Connecticut has a pilot program, now in place.

  • What does a MOLST do? A MOLST allows a person who is “approaching the end stage of a serious, life-limiting illness” or who is “in a condition of advanced, chronic progressive frailty” to express binding wishes about the extent of care he/she wants.
  • Is it the same as a DNR? No, it is more extensive than a DNR. A DNR only addresses resuscitation. A MOLST addresses CPR, transfers from home or a facility to a hospital, non-CPR intubation and ventilation, medically administered hydration and nutrition, and dialysis.
  • Is it the same as a Living Will? No, it is more extensive than a Living Will. A Living Will becomes operative only if you are in a “persistent vegetative state” or the “final stage of a terminal illness”. A MOLST is operative much earlier in the process.
  • Why would the Legislature authorize a MOLST? The policy reason for a MOLST is to encourage end of life discussions between an approved health care provider and patient at a time when the patient is not critically ill and the patient (and family) are not in a crisis mode.
  • Who can sign a MOLST? A MOLST can be signed by a certified physician, DO, physician’s assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse who has received special training about end of life discussions. It, of course, also must be signed by the patient.
  • How can I be sure people know about the MOLST? It is on lime green paper to make it easy to recognize. If you are at home, you should paste it to your refrigerator. If you are in a Hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility, it is part of your file and it will follow you from place to place.

If you are interested in learning more about the MOLST or other end of life decision making, please visit our website and read our blog for recent posts.  For advice specific to you or your family, please contact the office.  We would be glad to meet with you for a no hassle, no charge initial consultation, no matter how long it lasts.