by admin | Jun 23, 2014 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Estate Planning, Long Term Care Issues, Medicaid and Long Term Care
Many families face the challenge of providing care to an ill, disabled, or aging family member. Creating a formal Care Contract among family members is a way to compensate a family member who provides care. It also allows the family member in need of care to...
by admin | Apr 16, 2014 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Estate Planning, Long Term Care Issues, Medicaid and Long Term Care, Wills & Estate Planning
There may come a time when you are unable to make medical decisions for yourself due to injury, illness, or disease. For this reason, we regularly advise our clients about the importance of advance medical care planning, by executing a document called “Health Care...
by admin | Apr 3, 2014 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Medicaid and Long Term Care
Last month, we wrote about the Medicaid “look-back” period. The look-back period is the five year period that starts on the date the Medicaid applicant files an application for long term care assistance and covers the five years immediately prior to that application...
by admin | Feb 4, 2014 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Long Term Care Issues, Medicaid and Long Term Care
The Department of Health and Human Services has announced the new poverty income guidelines for 2014. The new guidelines mean that minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance (MMMNA) will increase from the present $1,938.75 to $1,966.25 no later than July 1, 2014. ...
by admin | Feb 4, 2014 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Long Term Care Issues, Medicaid and Long Term Care
Gift and Estate Tax: The federal lifetime exemption for property passing to non-spouse beneficiaries has been increased to $5,340,000.00. The Connecticut lifetime exemption for property passing to non-spouse beneficiaries remains $2,000,000.00. There is still an...
by admin | Nov 20, 2013 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, News
We are very thankful to have such wonderful interns with our office this fall. Here are a few words from 3L Michael D’Amico: I feel both proud and honored to have been given the opportunity to work as a Legal Intern at Floman DePaola, LLC for the past six...