by admin | Oct 29, 2010 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Estate Planning, Trusts
A. Overview. The stand by credit shelter trust is an estate planning tool that allows for the maximum use of the exemption equivalent amount ($1,000,000.00 in 2011 and succeeding years) for each spouse, thereby potentially doubling the amount that can pass to...
by admin | Sep 29, 2010 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Estate Planning
Dear Friends: As many of you may be aware, the federal estate tax is inapplicable to the estate of anyone who dies in 2010. Although this seems like good news for many families, there are two significant problems created by the same law. The first problem is that...
by admin | Aug 9, 2010 | Business Transactions, Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Digital and Social Media
Cantor Floman’s own Attorney Allison DePaola recently gave a presentation on the presence of legal issues as it pertains to Social Media. One of the major takeaways should have been that Social Media Policies are not something only large companies with numerous...
by admin | Jul 27, 2010 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Real Estate Transactions
Real estate transactions: Is your home part of a Planned Unit Development? A Planned Unit Development often includes a blend of residential, commercial and retail units, together with open space set aside for recreational purposes. Purchasing a home in such a...