by admin | Apr 16, 2012 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Estate Planning, Probate Matters
The Connecticut Appellate Court issued an important decision on March 20, 2012 concerning who may act as a witness to a deed conveying an interest in real estate and who may act as a witness to the execution of a durable power of attorney instrument. The case is...
by admin | Mar 19, 2012 | Business Transactions, Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog
Some of our clients have explored the use of Independent Sales Representatives to promote their products and services in hopes of boosting revenues. Independent Sales Representatives can be an important part of a company’s success. However, it is critical to have a...
by admin | Mar 5, 2012 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Estate Planning, Special Needs Trusts, Trusts
Many families have children or adults with special needs. This raises many unique and challenging issues. Who will care for the special needs person when you can’t? Will he/she be able to live independently? Can he/she receive an inheritance without jeopardizing...
by admin | Feb 28, 2012 | Business Transactions, Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Digital and Social Media
Earlier this year, Google updated its Privacy Policy and announced significant privacy changes. Facebook has repeatedly been in the spotlight for changes to its policy concerning the privacy of its users. Similarly, many other companies and social media sites...
by admin | Feb 27, 2012 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Personal Injury
If you have been severely injured because of someone else’s carelessness, often your spouse feels the impact of your injury as well. You simply are not able to relate to each other the same way you did before the injury. Connecticut Courts acknowledge this and, as a...
by admin | Feb 20, 2012 | Connecticut Estate Planning Attorney Blog, Real Estate Transactions
In a buyer’s real estate market, it increasingly is common to see a real estate sales agreement provide that the seller is to give the buyer a credit at closing towards the buyer’s closing costs. Be careful to define what is meant by “closing costs”: Does it...