by admin | Jul 13, 2006 | Uncategorized
The importance of a timely investigation of the exact circumstances of a collision. If you are driving along in your car and another car hits you from behind, you might think that fact, alone, is sufficient proof of the collision being the other driver’s fault. That...
by admin | Jul 1, 2006 | Newsletter
Personal Injury Cases: The importance of a timely investigation of the circumstances of a collision. One would think that if you are driving along in your car and another car hits you from behind, that, alone, is sufficient proof that the collision is the other...
by admin | Jan 22, 2006 | Business Transactions
Carelessness about respecting the separate identity of the business entity can lead to personal liability of the owner. In 2005, there were several Connecticut Appellate Court cases in which creditors attempted to impose personal liability on the owner of a business...
by admin | Jan 13, 2006 | Medicaid and Long Term Care
Making gifts as a planning strategy still works, but has new potential consequences. Making gifts of assets to children on a monthly basis has been a relatively conservative and well recognized asset protection strategy. In 2005, the Connecticut legislature decided...
by admin | Jan 12, 2006 | Estate Planning
A new Connecticut Estate Tax replaces the Gift Tax and the Succession Tax. The Connecticut legislature repealed the Connecticut State Gift Tax and the Connecticut State Succession Tax, effective as of January 1, 2005. In their place, the legislature enacted the...