Pooled Trust:
- Enrollment Fees- paid to establish the trust
- $1,050.00 for one person
- $1,350.00 for two clients/trusts per family
- Trust administration fee- paying bills pursuant to the Personal Care Plan, check deposits, home visits, arranging services, making phone calls, etc.
- $60.00 per hour
- Quarterly Pooled Trust Services- time to process deposits, balancing the Pooled trust account and other group financial activities. The fee is divided among all participants.
- Variable
- Quarterly Administration fee- Reviewing rate of spending, investing and personal care plans, invoice preparation, billing review, postage and filing.
- $75.00 per quarter ($300.00 per year)
- Closing Fees- Final accounting, tax preparation, reporting to the state, and distributing to beneficiaries.
- $300.00
Third Party and Self Settled Trusts:
- Enrollment Fees
- $1,050.00 for one person
- $1,350.00 for two clients/trusts per family
- Trust Administration Fee
- $60.00 per hour
- Quarterly Administration Fee
- $75.00 per quarter ($300.00 per year)
- Closing Fees
- $60.00 per hour
If you are interested in learning more about how these 2016 numbers affect you and your family please visit our website and read our blog for recent posts. For advice specific to you or your family, please contact the office. We would be glad to meet with you for a no hassle, no charge initial consultation, no matter how long it lasts.