Living Wills and Health Care Representatives.

A Living Will expresses your desire not to be kept alive by a mechanical device if you are in a persistent vegetative state or in the final stages of a terminal illness. The Living Will also designates the individuals authorized to communicate your wishes to health care providers. Prior to October 1, 2006, the Connecticut Living Will statute called those authorized representatives, “Health Care Agents” and limited their authority to end of life decision making.  A law passed by the Connecticut legislature that became effective on October 1, 2006 now calls the authorized representative a “Health Care Representative” It also expands the authority of the Health Care Representative to communicate your wishes for non end of life health care decision making. A Living Will signed before October 1, 2006 remains valid according to its terms. A Living Will signed after October 1, 2006 will include the expanded authority of the Health Care Representative.

As with all estate planning documents, a periodic review to accommodate changes in the law or in your family or financial situation is advisable.